Covid Secure Guidelines

How we ensure a safe environment for everyone at all times

Like always, we are taking safety at our event seriously. After careful consideration based on current Government Covid guidelines, we have implemented the following measures to promote the health and wellbeing of attendees and staff:

  • Policies and procedures:

One way system and separate entry for different groups.

All players to sanitise before and after games.
Staff carry out frequent surface and equipment sanitisation.

Staff will ask to do non contact temperature check as deemed required.

  • How these were determined:

The need to minimise group mixing at entry and exits.

The effectiveness on keeping surfaces and equipment to minimise transfers of germs

The effectiveness of personal hygiene with regular hand wash and sanitiser use to kill germs.

  • What’s expected of attendees:

Do not attend if developed symptoms unless tested negative.

Agree for temperature to be taken.

Follow entry system communicated.
All attendees to sanitise hands on arrival and departure.

Do not bring excessive belongings to event.

Do not leave behind any belongings including rubbish.

As the situation evolves, so will our approach to keeping you safe. We thank you for your patience and flexibility as we manage this and ask that you check back here for updates.



Government Guidance on How to Take Part Safely

  • You should continue to follow any relevant advice from your NGB or sport provider on how to participate safely in your sport or activity. This may set out different ways to organise matches or tournaments, or measures you should follow like regular breaks to sanitise the ball or other equipment.
  • You should continue to follow good hygiene practices, to reduce the risk of transmission in sport environments. For example, you should not spit or rinse out your mouth on or around the playing area. You can find more information in the guidance on how to stay safe.
  • You should avoid sharing water bottles or other refreshment containers. Where possible, you should take your own drink, in a labelled or highly distinguishable container.
  • Face coverings are no longer required by law, but people should wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed settings where they come into contact with people they do not normally meet. Where worn correctly, this can reduce the risk of transmission.
  • For example, you may wish to put on a face covering after your sporting activity if you are in a crowded indoor facility, but you don’t have to wear one during sport. People should not generally wear a face covering while taking part in any strenuous activity or sport, unless advised to do so by a doctor.
  • You should avoid sharing equipment where possible and practical, particularly equipment which is used around the head and face (such as masks and helmets). If equipment needs to be shared, it should be cleaned between users, where possible.

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